ir-minded manner. Hearing that he sides with common sense
Each satellite is both a receiver and a transmitter. First, the ground station, also called the uplink, sends a signal to the satellite. The satellite automatically changes the signals merced adult schoolfrequency and retransmits it back to stations on the ground. This second path is called the downlink. A satellite is much like a broadcasting tower 22,300 miles high, an automatic relay station that can transmit into a coverage area, which encompasses up to 42.4 percent of the Earths suce.
The Supreme Court has been delving into an increasing number of technology-related cases, with theGrokster file-swapping rulingand acable-modem caseboth decided in June. For the term that begins this ll, the court is scheduled to decide whether to hear theeBay v. MercExchangepatent-infringement lawsuit and another casedealing withprinter components and antitrust charges.
Alitos strict view on the kinds of inventions that merit copyright protection should also be a comfort to high-tech businesses, said William Patry, a partner at Thelen Reid &38; Priest and author ofThe Patry Copyright Blog. Alito demonstrated this strict approach in 2004 when he denied Southco, a manucturer of screws and industrial steners, copyright protection for its part numbers. Alito said the part numbers, which Southco alleged that its rival Kanebridge copied, lacked the originality and creativity required for copyright protection.
Any television station with a mobile news van can duplicate the effects of Microwave Surveillance. Uplink to a Commercial Geostationary Satellite at C-Band Frequencies and you can conduct surveillance like the Professionals.
innovation in business makes me very excited.
The satellites transmission area covers a certain part of the Earths suce, called a footprint. An agency, such as the Florida Public Service Commission, with access to a satellites operating codes can commandeer the services of one of the satellites transponders and conduct surveillance of a targeted individual and intercept all conversations and sounds within the surroundings of this individual.
To hold otherwise would leave the privacy of the home at the mercy of governments ability to exploit technological advances: the government could always argue that an individuals ilure (or inability) to ward off the incursions of the latest scientific innovation forfeits the protection of the Fourth Amendment. The government would allow the privacy of the home to hinge upon the outcome of a technological measure/counter-measure between the average citizen and the government, a race, we expect, that the people would surely lose.
believes in strict interpretation of the law in a calm, focused, and
Technically Incorrect
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judgement, this candidate seems like he will be someone who
2.3With the incredible tracking capability of space-based Microwave Surveillance technology, why is Osa ben Laden still so elusive? Solution- start by solving problems 2.1 and 2.2.
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1.3The effects of human exposure to elevated levels of microwave radiation range from discomfort to death- an effect called Electronarcosis.
How the heck is my Klout score higher than John Doerrs?That score in the big orange box may not be telling you exactly what you think it is. Klout is measuring influence, but not in the way that seems most obvious. And to understand the company, you have to understand exactly what business its in.
1.5Reporting criminal misuse of Microwave Surveillance techniques is virtually impossible because of poor information transfer within the law enforcement community, lack of training on the part of law enforcement professionals, and, all too often, bad attitudes.
Then-Senator, later Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen makes reference to this capability in his book One-Eyed Kings.
The Digital Home
Each satellite has a number of redundant modules, spare components that can be switched into operation in the event that any malfunction occurs. Ground control stations can remotely switch in backup cilities in case of ilure.
Alitos fellow Judge Theodore McKee, a Clinton appointee, dissented on the grounds that advances
4.0Electronarcosis and Signals Interception
A 2002 case before the 3rd Circuit Court dealt with a police search of a suspects home computer for traces of illegal ography. Alitos dissent shows that he has a better-than-average understanding of how operating systems work. An excerpt follows:
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Technology companies are likely to find Alito an appealing nominee because for the most part hes business-friendly, said David Bernstein, a law professor at George Mason University. Hes generally skeptical of open-ended liability, and seems to be inclined to strictly construe contracts, including contracts that dictate where and under what law a dispute will be resolved, Bernstein said in an e-mail interview.
The above quote is taken from Shoot to Not Kill, Popular Science, 5/03. This passage describes the authors reaction to being targeted by the Active Denial System, a HUMVEE configured with a microwave transceiver and a parabolic transmission dish on its roof. Transmitting at 98 Gigahertz (GHZ), the unit will beam a focused beam of microwave radiation used to disperse crowds. The same painful effect is felt by an individual targeted by a microwave satellite transmission generated in the range of 3.7 to 4.2 GHZ, C-Band satellite operations.
1.1Microwave Surveillance techniques have been in use for over fifty years.
You probably want a judge that is more circumspect about who gets property rights, Patry said. The technology industry is probably better served by someone more circumspect if you believe the industry thrives on innovation and not on monopolies.
As a federal judge at the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, Samuel Alito has accumulated a lengthy record of written decisions that hint at how he would rule in technology-related cases that come before the Supreme Court.President Bush nominated Alito for the court on Monday, to succeedretiring Justice Sandra Day OConnor, widely viewed as a swing vote. Democratic politicians have already promised stiff opposition, with at least one senator saying that a filibuster to block debate is possible.
One way that Electronarcosis effects are produced is through the raising of the temperature of the targeted individual. When water molecules are heated, the body temperature rises. Between 105 and 107 degrees Fahrenheit the targeted individual will experience a seizure- at 109 degrees, death occurs.
The Tenth Judicial Circuit in Oregon has considered a comparable technology, FLIR or Forward Looking Infrared Radar. FLIR detects even the tiniest differences in temperature and enables its user to detect what is happening inside buildings, by more or less looking through the walls themselves. Some federal courts have ruled that government agents should be able to scan subjects without a warrant because all that is detected is waste heat. The Tenth Circuit, however, has raised questions about the new technologies, including FLIR. The Court threw out a case in which agents had used FLIR to locate marijuana by detecting the heat of artificial lamps used to grow the plants.
Deep Tech
When it comes to issues of privacy and technology, Alito has been known to align himself with law enforcement. In a case decided last year, Alito ruled that the FBI did not need a warrant to outfit the hotel suite of a boxing official with a hidden audio recorder and remotely controlled video camera that could swivel 360 degrees. The devices were activated when a police informant was also present in the room of the official, who was suspected of taking bribes.
A subsequent passage refers to GLOWWORM, which allows individuals to be tracked under ground, under water, anywhere. This writer has three gold bridges, each of which is at least three centimeters long. So long as the wavelength of the transmitted signal is shorter than the targeted object, which in this case it is, the signal will bounce back to the sender like a radar image.
Microwave Surveillance from Commercial Satellites
merced adult school Nominees past rulings give hint of tech views,
At the Florida Public Service Commission in Tallahassee, Florida, a Teleconferencing Station centering around a Microwave Transceiver and Parabolic Microwave Transmission Dish is used to create an uplink to a Commercial Communication Satellite operating between 3.7 and 4.2 Gigahertz (GHZ), C-Band Communications.
Operating at frequencies of several billion cycles per second, or Gigahertz (GHZ), the regions satellites relay communications via two distinct communications bands. North Americas high-power services use frequencies ranging from 12.2 to 12.7 GHZ. A few operators using medium-power satellites use adjacent frequencies from 11.7 to 12.2 GHZ. The entire frequency spectrum from 10.7 to 12.75 GHZ is commonly called the Ku band. Throughout the Americas, numerous other satellites are available that operate within a lower frequency spectrum ranging from 3.7 to 4.2 GHZ (the frequency of observed Microwave Surveillance operations). This frequency range is known as the C band.
Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices.
But in another case involving a Nextel affiliate and a second Pennsylvania township, Alito sided with the municipality. Nextel didnt follow proper procedures because it never filed with the township a building permit application or any similar request, Alito wrote.
Information can be readily compiled from public sources and the provisions of USCA, Title 18, Chapter 119 allow government, through the authorization of a cognizant court, to utilize multiple avenues toward the assurance of an effective demonstration. Mr. Larry Fullerton of Huntsville, Alabama is developing equipment in this area and might serve as a source of expert testimony. Mr. Steve Paine of Illinois Valley Community College was involved with the development of Microwave Surveillance equipment when he worked for Hughes Electronics. Janes Defense Publications conducts seminars on this and other Non-Lethal (Variable Lethality) Technologies, which feature speakers from the Missouri State Police, U.S. Justice Department, and the U.S. Marine Corps.
Want better EV range? Hitch it to a fuel cellStartup Oorja Protonics has developed a methanol fuel cell to give battery-powered forklifts a lift and its planning to apply the same hybrid approach in fleet vehicles.
Externally induced auditory input could be achieved by means of pulsed microwave audiograms, or analogs of spoken word sounds. The effect on the receiving end is the (schizophrenic) sensation of hearing voices which are no part of the recipients own thought processes.
Mission Research Corp. of Albuquerque, N.M., has used a computer to study the ability of microwaves to stimulate the bodys peripheral nervous system. If sufficient peripheral nerves fire, then the body shuts down to further stimulus, producing the so-called stun effect, an abstract states.
The satellite frequency bands are located high above those used by earth-bound TV channels. Sunspots or other atmospheric conditions do not affect these super-high frequencies; satellites therefore, provide extremely reliable communications coverage 24 hours a day.
As r as being a worse choice than Miers, that is perposterous and ignorant. He is an accomplished jurist with a long record of reasoned decisions. He was approved by the senate not once, but twice (once for the US Attorneys job and once for his current position). He didnt receive a single no vote in his last confirmation in 1990.
In October of 1945, a gifted science and science fiction writer proposed the extraordinary idea of using stationary satellites to beam television and other communications signals around the world. Arthur C. Clarke (2001: A Space Odyssey, Rendevous with Rama, The Hammer of God, ect.) reasoned that if a satellite were positioned high enough above the Earths equator, its orbit could be matched by the rotation of the Earth. The satellite would then appear to be fixed in one particular spot in the sky. Because a satellites orbital speed varies with its distance from the Earth, a geostationary orbit is only possible directly above the equator, in a narrow belt about 22,300 miles out. Although it took the technology a while to catch up with his but elegant concept, today there are hundreds of satellites taking advantage of his original thinking. In recognition of his pioneering vision, this band of outer space real estate is called the Clarke Orbit.
(Copied verbatim from the World of Satellite TV, Ninth Edition, Chapter1 (pp. 9-18), by Mark Long, The Book Publishing Company, Summertown, Tennessee, July, 1998)
This decision was upheld in the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 decision. Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the majority that the court could not cast away the Florence, [adult school] For the developmentally disabled, it's public vs. private care (0) 2011-12-26 9:7:35 OR, mans Fourth Amendment protections against illegal searches to allow police to use sense-enhancing technology. Any evidence obtained from the interior of someones home, which could not have been gathered legally by a physical intrusion, constitutes a search, he wrote. Thats especially true, he said, when the technology is not in general public use.
AT&T loses whopping $6.7B on pensions, T-Mobile breakupCarrier adds 717,000 new subscribers and activates 9.4 million smartphones, but pays the price with increased subsidies.
1.4Sufficient information about Microwave Surveillance is available that any citizen or organization desiring an understanding of this technology and its effects will find public source documentation which covers most aspects of the technologys use and abuse.
About a half a second after One, I felt a warm spot on my back. A millisecond later the heat intensified dramatically, as though someone were pressing a burner on my back. I expected to hear sizzling, to smell burning flesh. The pain exploded to the point where I was no longer actually thinking, and I certainly wasnt in any control of my reactions . . . I had lasted about two seconds.
Alitos judicial philosophy seems nuanced and not doctrinaire. In March 2002, he sided with Nextel and against a Pennsylvania township that tried to block the installation of a cell phone tower by denying a zoning variance. That violated federal law, Alito said.
3.2Satellite Transponders
Tracking a target with a satellite-based communication signal, capturing the sounds in the targeted individuals environment, and terrorism via the transmission of voices from the ground control station across 44,600 miles of space into the head of the targeted individual create a starting point for understanding the danger of covert Microwave Surveillance operations.
Electric car that folds itself launches in SpainSpain will begin producing an electric car next year thats about the same size as Smart For, but can collapse itself into an even smaller footprint when parked.
3.4Surveillance to Terrorism
2.0Statement of Problems to be Resolved
Nintendos huge losses continue; when will the bleeding stop?The game company loses nearly $625 million during the nine months ended December 31. Looking ahead, its forecast has been revised down with deeper losses.
The Car Tech blog
Every communications satellite carries several channels, called transponders, which process communications traffic. Most satellites have sixteen or more transponders in operation, each capable of transmitting one or more television signals as well as thousands of simultaneous telephone conversations.
Views on surveillance
Bush is so predictable... First nominee, thrown out due to personal choice. Second nominee is going to be thrown out by one group. And when the third nominee comes along, bush is ging to look like a savior to the supreme court. classic
2.1Would the United States Congress have the people that they are elected to serve believe that they are too busy to develop cognizance about Microwave Surveillance technology when a portion of each years federal budget is directed toward the acquisition of new equipment from this technology area? Solution- make the U.S. Congress aware of the problems and potentials associated with Microwave Surveillance.
First Canada, then the United States, and subsequently other countries constructed their own geostationary satellite systems. Each new satellite had greater capabilities, expanding our ideas of the technically possible. As of early 1998, there were more than 150 domestic and international communications satellites in geostationary orbit over the Earths equator.
The returning, downlink, signal is then demodulated allowing the sights and sounds of the targeted persons environment to be presented on television and recorded.
The other way that Electronarcosis works is through the disruption of brainwave functioning by overloading the electrochemical operation of the brain with a steady, elevated level of microwave radiation. A victim will experience disorientation, vertigo, and nausea. In preparing the magazine article Wonder Weapons, Newsweek, July 7, 1997, pp. 38-46, written by Mr. Douglas Pasternak talked to more than 70 experts and scoured biomedical journals, contracts, budgets, and research proposals. Two segments below, taken from that article, echo the painful, debilitating effect that can be induced by a focused beam of microwave radiation.
Not a good choice, given his extensive negative conservative judgement reviews on the Third District Appeals Court Circuit! Never a wise choice, as is a poorer choice than the previous selectee, by Jnr! One can hope, the Senate Select committee is on its toes and, throw a few curve balls he cant dodge!
Tamron, Kenko Tokina boost Micro Four Thirds lens allianceTwo third-party camera lens makers lend their weight to the interchangeable lens system backed by Olympus and Panasonic.
3.1Uplinks and Downlinks
Unlike the previous candidate, who seemed like a personal choice
5.0Microwave Surveillance and the Law
Blah blah blah. Give me a break.
Once the Court system is allowed to consider Microwave Surveillance, a comparable determination will undoubtedly follow.
3.0Commercial Communications Satellites for Microwave Surveillance
Typical of some of the more exotic projects are those from Clay Easterly. Last December, Easterly- who works at the Health Sciences Research Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory- briefed the Marine Corps on work he has done for the National Institute of Justice, which does research on crime control. One of the projects he suggested was an electromagnetic gun that would induce epileptic-like seizures. Another was a thermal gun that would have the operational effect of heating the body 105 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit. Such effects would bring on discomfort, fevers, or even death.
Alitos confirmation hearings are certain to focus on hot-button constitutional issues such as his views on abortion, affirmative action and gun rights. But a few cases show that the broadly conservative philosophy ofAlito, 55, means he takes a limited view of copyright, which could bode well for tech companies, as well as a permissive approach toward electronic surveillance by police.
Cutting Edge
Heres a question for you: In the four abortion related cases, how many has he sided with the pro-choice side? 3. The other case involved a Pennsylvania law that required women seeking abortions to consult their husbands. Hardly a radical idea.
Geek Gestalt
of the Presidents rather than a choice based on sound objective
2.2Would the United States Department of Justice have the people that they are sworn to serve and protect believe that they are too busy to develop any sort of understanding about a technology which is documented in their own literature and deployed by Special Agents on their payroll? Solution- help the United States Department of Justice to gain a broader awareness of the problems and potentials associated with Microwave Surveillance.
against out-of-control copyright issues and stands for free
Since the clip had been shown repeatedly on the computer, it is probable--not certain, but probable--that it had been downloaded to the computers hard drive. In that event, it was probable--again, not certain, but probable--that either the clip or traces of it remained, even if the defendant had attempted to delete it. Whether a search of the computers hard drive for this clip would have necessarily resulted in the discovery of any of the computer-related items of evidence that the government intended to introduce at the defendants trial is not disclosed by the record, as r as I am aware.
Alito was called a highly qualified, outstanding jurist by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Monday. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, on the other hand, accused Bush of bowing to pressure from the radical wing of the Republican Party.
1.0Summary of Critical Points
Signals Interception of brain wave activity is one of the most scinating and, interestingly, unmentioned characteristics of Microwave Surveillance operations. This ability to capture and record the images generated in the Visual Cortex and the sounds of a persons inner dialogue has wonderful potential in the fields of Sleep Research, Psychotherapy, and Criminal Investigation. The measurement of brain waves, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta, by Electroencephalography (EEG) is an accepted practice around the world. The capturing, on-screen presentation, and recording of mental images and dialogue intercepted by a focused beam of microwave radiation, even a beam bounced off a satellite 22,300 miles above the equator, is a capability whose broader introduction and use is retarded by a misshapen assessment of the security status of the United States of America and gross mismanagement of information. If the weak personalities at the Florida Public Service Commission can not only have cognizance but also criminally abuse this technology, why not let the rest of the world in on this once-secret technology. This will allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be publicly knowledgeable, enabling this writer to report, and ultimately see closed, a broad-based criminal conspiracy in the government of the State of Florida.
Putting a human cost on the iPadAn in-depth New York Times report focuses on the final months of a ctory worker who died as a result of an explosion at a ctory that makes iPads, as well as the conditions workers often endure.
3.3Footprints to Surveillance
At the time of this writing, my Email to Senator Mel Martinez (R-Florida) via, dated 4/12/05, titled Microwave Surveillance from Commercial Satellites is still posted on Google and Yahoo.
In 1965, the Early Bird satellite became the worlds first commercial geostationary satellite. It could carry 240 telephone communications circuits, or one television channel, at a time. On June 2, 1965, Early Bird introduced live television across the Atlantic Ocean. Early Bird was the first satellite to be owned and operated by the International Telecommunication Satellite Organization (INTELSAT).
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1.2As a result of the deployment of commercial communications satellites around the globe since the 1970s Microwave Surveillance from space has been conducted by governmental agencies and corporate entities against unsuspecting citizens without any governmental oversight whatsoever.
Facebook denies Anonymous claims of takedownA Twitter feed from an Anonymous account claims it caused Facebook problems, with some intermittent outage. Facebook says it was nothing of the sort.
Building from the definition for radar- radio for direction and ranging- the radio signal beamed as the downlink from a satellite transponder functions as radar picking up the much denser gold bridges. This writers travels have been followed from Toronto, Ontario down to San Juan, Puerto Rico and all points in between, including underground travel on the Metro subway system in Washington, D.C. and an American Airlines flight to Puerto Rico. GLOWWORM indeed!
(The National Security Agency is) charged with intercepting and interpreting signals intelligence, which ranges from radio and electronic signals emitted during Soviet and Chinese missile tests to conversations taking place in (the Soviet Premiers) dacha, limousine, or bathroom. Satellites deep in space listen as if they were on an old-shioned party line. (p.44)
I am reporting the criminal misuse of Microwave Surveillance techniques by the Florida Public Service Commission. As a material witness I will describe this technology and its effects on a human being and provide a list of State of Florida employees who are cognizant about this criminal activity.
Following are quotes taken from an Internet article written by Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni, titled Microwaves and Mind Control.